

Turuk is a small fisher village on the sea coast in a tropical region. The jungles further inland are lush and dense, full of exotic plants and animals. The weather is hot and humid most of the time. At night the stars can be seen very clearly. The area is only sparsely populated.

The wooden huts and open stilt houses are close to the beach. The sound of the sea can be heard at all times. Larger, multi-generational families live in one house or close to each other.

The inhabitants lead primitive lives in tribal tradition. The fishermen go out fishing with their canoes and small boats. The peasants grow corn, sweet potatoes, fruits and more. The few hunters go in the jungle to hunt small pigs, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels or other animals.

The tribe elders govern the small society of hunters and gatherers. The house of the elders is located in the middle of the village which is decorated with carvings of ominous figures, conchs and skulls and bones of fish. Religious ceremonies, rituals such as the rite of passage and other festivities are celebrated boisterously and extensively in the town square in front of the house of elders.